History Schmistory: February 15. Words From Columbus!

February 15, 1493. Columbus writes a letter describing (and exaggerating) his voyage.

History Schmistory: February 16. Emergency!

February 16, 1968. 9-1-1 service begins.

History Schmistory: February 13. We Do Covers!

February 13, 1867. The Polluted River Zenne gets a cover-up.

History Schmistory: February 12. Don’t Scream!

February 12, 1994. Edvard Munch’s most iconic painting is stolen.

History Schmistory: February 11. The Senate Show!

February 11, 1794. First US Senate session opens to the public.

History Schmistory: February 10. Computer Date Checkmate!

February 10, 1996. Computer defeats a Chess Grandmaster.

History Schmistory: February 9. Weather Men!

February 9, 1870. Grant and Congress say yes to weather service.

History Schmistory: February 8. Be Prepared!

February 8, 1910. Boy Scouts of America is incorporated.

History Schmistory: February 7. Monopoly!

February 7, 1935: Parker Brothers introduces the Monopoly board game.

History Schmistory: February 6. Let Us Ride the Rails!

February 6, 1815. The US says yes to laying the tracks!

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