Ludicrous Latin: Non est facile quod viridis

It’s not easy being green.

History Schmistory: August 1. Breathe, durn-it!

1774: Oxygen is ‘discovered’ by Britain’s Sir Joseph Priestly, and given a symbol (O), though most refer to it as “the substance formerly known as air.”
By penner ( [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

By penner ( [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

Ludicrous Latin: Eamus navis maiore indigeret

“We’re going to need a bigger boat”

'Jaws' by Kevin Dooley,, CC BY

‘Jaws’ by Kevin Dooley,, CC BY
















Speaking of sharks, anybody else excited about today?

History Schmistory: July 31. Houston, the Nina has landed.

1498: Christopher Columbus and crew arrive in Trinidad. What do they bring back? …Syphilis.
'Columbus landing at Trinidad', From Famous Voyagers and Explorers, 1893, The British Library [public domain]

‘Columbus landing at Trinidad’, From Famous Voyagers and Explorers, 1893, The British Library [public domain]



Ludicrous Latin: Duplicem Somnium Pedum

Double Dream Feet!    …never gets old 🙂

History Schmistory: July 30. “Eat it, gravity!”

1918: The first parachute jump from a perfectly good aircraft, performed with flair by Frenchmen Sarret.
Here goes nothing!  V.Leers (De prins der geillustreerde bladen) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Here goes nothing!
V.Leers (De prins der geillustreerde bladen) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Ludicrous Latin: Eamus nocere quidam

We are going to hurt some people.

History Schmistory: July 29. The Final Frontier…

1958: President Dwight D. Eisenhower eagerly signs a federal statute that creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

To infinity and beyond!   By Bill Ingalls [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

To infinity and beyond!
By Bill Ingalls [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons















Sadly, they were never able to get him back to his home planet.

History Schmistory: July 28. This spud’s for you.

1586: The Potato is introduced into Britain from America. It quickly adopts a flawless British accent.

'How do you do?"

‘How do you do?”

A TMP Exclusive: The Foggy London Strut

Hey MarcoNauts, have you seen the trailer yet? It packs an olympic size punch!

See it here…

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