History Schmistory: October 20. No worries, mate!

1973: 10 years overdue and $95 million over budget, the Sydney Opera House finally opens, and quickly becomes the universal icon of Australia. That is, until Crocodile Dundee comes out.



GO THERE! Pumpkin-heads!

This Saturday, if you love carving jack-o-lanterns and are anywhere near New Hampshire, the Keene Pumpkin Festival is your Halloween dream come true! And its “Orange Towers” are a pumpkin’s worst nightmare realized.



History Schmistory: October 19. Somebody please do something historic!

Today in history kinda bites. Nothing all that significant, fun, or crazy to report. So, here you go!



History Schmistory: October 18. Happy Alaska Day!

1867: The United States moves in with Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for 7.2 million clams. They live together for 92 years before finally making the relationship official in 1959. Meanwhile, Canada insists they are carrying Alaska’s baby.



History Schmistory: October 17. Flow this way!


The manor house of Toten Hall, where the flood began http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/The_manor_house_of_Toten_Hall_-_1813.gif


1814: The London Beer  Flood occurs in, you guessed it, London, killing nine and inebriating several others.

Cool App: Virtual Rome!

History Schmistory: October 16th: Sanitation Haven

1869: Boston, A hotel in Boston becomes the first to have indoor plumbing. Yet in 2015 we still have to deal with these….

Honey Bucket by Brian Teutsch via Flickr, creative commons license.

Honey Bucket by Brian Teutsch via Flickr, creative commons license.


To get your share of Halloween spooks, look no further than The Stanley Hotel in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. This hotel and its ghostly inhabitants, which inspired Stephen Kings novel/movie The Shining, go the extra mile during haunting season. So book a room on the fourth floor, the most paranormally active floor, and don’t expect to sleep a wink. No better way to spend Halloween! Which in Marco’s case means curled up in the fetal position, crying for mommy.




History Schmistory: October 14. Poor Steve.

2003: 95 years (to the day) after the Chicago Cubs won their last World Series title, fan Steve Bartman does his part to make sure it doesn’t happen again, in what has become known as the Steve Bartman incident. Should be a holiday in Florida. Though, in all fairness, he was really just the unfortunate scapegoat for the Cubbies monumental choke-fest.





History Schmistory: October 13. Speaking of Galaxies…

1773: The Whirlpool Galaxy is discovered by Charles Messier (‘s awesome telescopes.)

By NASA and European Space Agency [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By NASA and European Space Agency [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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