Paris in the Springtime: Euronerd Paris Tips Part 2

He’s baaack! Springtime in Paris week features part 2 of our favorite Euronerd’s tour of the City of Lights!

History Schmistory, March 24: I’ll be Bach

1721 – Johann Sebastian Bach opens his Brandenburg Concerts.

History Schmistory, March 23: B & F become BFFs!

1657 – Britain & France form alliance against Spain.

History Schmistory: March 22. Hey! This doesn’t work on my Kindle!

1457. The Gutenberg Bible became the 1st printed book.

History Schmistory, March 21. Francophile joins the Cabinet

1790. Thomas Jefferson reports to President Washington in New York as Secretary of State. Jefferson would later live in Paris where he would become a movie star.

History Schmistory, March 20: You’re Fired

1890. German emperor Wilhelm II fires republic chancellor Otto Von Bismarck.

Ludicrous Latin Returns!

Words to live by.

History Schmistory, March 19: Vienna goes into Haydn

1799. Joseph Haydn’s “Die Schopfung,” premieres in Vienna. Great show. Joe gets his wig done for the premiere, and looks fabu.

History Schmistory, March 18: Start Your Engines!

1858. Rudolf Diesel, German engineer and Diesel motor inventor, is born. He wears cool clothes, but, turns down a part in “Fast and Furious.”

History Schmistory: St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is observed on March 17 because that is the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is believed that he died on March 17 in the year 461 AD.


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