History Schmistory: November 5. Back in time.

1955: Doctor Emmett Brown conceives the design for the time-travel enabling flux capacitor after taking a nasty fall and bumping his head on a bathroom sink. Someone should tell Marco that movies are not real, because he has been searching for Doc Brown for a while now…

History Schmistory: November 4. So long ago…

2008: Barack Obama becomes the first African-American President of the United States. Despite his near superhero status, his hair quickly goes gray like all the others.


By Official White House Photo by Pete Souza (P120612PS-0463 (direct link)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Official White House Photo by Pete Souza (P120612PS-0463 (direct link)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Being President is tough on the hair.

GO THERE! More monkey business…

November 27th is the date for this year’s Monkey Buffet Festival  in Lopburi, Thailand, a Hindu festival where hundreds of free roaming long-tailed macaques are set loose on a mountainous smorgasbord of delectables. The offering symbolizes an ancient story from the Ramayana in which the hero, Rama, offers a gift of land, the very land on which Lopburi sits, to his friend Hanuman, the Monkey King. Perfect excuse to monkey around for a day.




History Schmistory: November 3. Say hello to our little friend!

1913: The United States introduces permanent income taxes to it’s citizens, via the Sixteenth Amendment, securing the latter of only two certainties in life. Luckily, “Death” wasn’t on the table for this one.



Did you remember?

Take those skeletons back out of the closet… literally! You still have time to observe Mexico’s Day of the Dead. And you thought Halloween was over!



History Schmistory: November 2. The Perfect Cheer!

1898: Cheerleading is born at a University of Minnesota football game. Here’



s what some of the fist cheerleaders looked like…


MarcoWord: Elezione

Yesterday’s MarcoWord (Italian): “elezione.” Election. “Whoa, dude that tea partier totally messed up the elezione.”

History Schmistory: November 1. “Is that all we’ve got?”

1861: In the early stages of the American Civil war, US President Abraham Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as the commander of the Union Army. Proof that even histories greatest leaders can make huge mistakes. Sometimes even twice.




Marco Polo takes a walk in the woods. What could go wrong?

History Schmistory: October 31. Wait a minute, where’s Joe?

1961: In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin’s body is removed from Lenin’s Tomb. OR WAS IT?



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