Meet our new interns!

Team Marco Polo finishing final edits on Christmas episode!

And the Winner is…

… the Vetruvian MadMan!

TMPs Vetruvian Madman!

Vetruvian MadMan!

We liked this guy so much, we even featured him in our new intro video on the Team Marco Polo Website! Check it out!

Think You Are As Funny As TeamMarcoPolo? – Caption This Photo

Producing a TV show is fun and almost every day we get funny pictures from the set.

Funny pictures call for even funnier captions and TeamMarcoPolo is chock-a-block full of awesome captions.

You think you can be as funny as TeamMarcoPolo? The funniest captions will be featured on this Blog!

Caption, caption, caption kids!

Caption This Photo

Caption This Photo

Can’t come up with an idea? Check out our other Photo Caption Contests!

The New Look of Team Marco Polo

Caption This Photo – Guitar Zero

We’ve got a winner for a loser! Happy Smiley Friend suggested: “Guitar Zero!!!”

WP_guitar Zero

HOW TO: Follow TMP’s Live Stream

Did you know that Team Marco Polo is streaming live from the set? This is as close as you get to being behind the scenes without actually standing behind the camera! We are live streaming between 9am and 5pm (PST) every week day.

Here is how you can follow TMP’s stream on Ustream!

First: Enter this URL into your browser or click here


Then: Click “Sign Up” and create an account (it’s free)


Fill in the login information


And the information for your profile.


Next: connect with your friends who have their own stream.


Creating your own channel is optional!


NOW: Go back to TMP’s streaming channel



Make sure to “Follow” TMPlive – now you can see the film set between 9am and 5pm every weekday!

Live Broadcast from the Team Marco Polo Production

Team Marco Polo gets the fans right on the set!

Since this morning, the Team Marco Polo production is LIVE! Viewers can watch the TMP Team on set!

Check out the shooting of this great Kids TV Show!

Caption This Photo – Rocko Polo

We got a Winnaaaaa: Matt from Seattle said:”Rocko Polo” when visiting the set!

Rocko Polo

Can’t come up with an idea? Check out our other Photo Caption Contests!

Caption This Photo: FOWL!

"FOWL!" by Bill from Seattle

"FOWL!" by Bill from Seattle

A Caption is born! “FOWL!”

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