VIRAL TEAM MARCO POLO. The Bells of Notre Dame: Horror Movie Version

History Schmistory, March 26: What do you think of our government, baby?

1871 – Paris Commune, often said to be the first example of working people taking power, is founded.The commune ended after just two months. Great veggie meals and ultimate frisbee, but, unfortunately, no one wanted to do the dishes or clean the bathrooms.

History Schmistory, March 24: I’ll be Bach

1721 – Johann Sebastian Bach opens his Brandenburg Concerts.

History Schmistory, March 21. Francophile joins the Cabinet

1790. Thomas Jefferson reports to President Washington in New York as Secretary of State. Jefferson would later live in Paris where he would become a movie star.

History Schmistory, March 20: You’re Fired

1890. German emperor Wilhelm II fires republic chancellor Otto Von Bismarck.

Ludicrous Latin Returns!

Words to live by.

History Schmistory, March 19: Vienna goes into Haydn

1799. Joseph Haydn’s “Die Schopfung,” premieres in Vienna. Great show. Joe gets his wig done for the premiere, and looks fabu.

History Schmistory, March 16: Who’s Yer Daddy, Chris?

Ferdinand Magellan, the "Weekend at Bernies" of Explorers

1521 Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reaches Philippines. Magellan had survived eighteen months at sea, but he was killed in battle in the Philippines. A local warrior persuaded Magellan to defeat his rival in battle. Most of Magellan’s men considered the battle both pointless and dangerous, so they refused to participate. Magellan was hit with a poison arrow in the battle and died. One of Magellan’s five ships did make it back to Spain, only twelve days less than three years after their journey started. Only one ship and eighteen sailors remained of the 265 men accompanied Magellan.

You’re the Apple of my Pi

Everyone knows it’s pi day today (3/14). But did you know that the earliest known textually evidenced approximations of pi date from around 1900 BC? They are found in the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus 256/81 ≈ 3.160 and on Babylonian tablets 25/8 = 3.125, both within 1 percent of the true value.Unfortunately, it was only a pie of pi ; )
Pi symbol (3.1415926), March 14th is Pi Day!

Earth is cool.

View of earth from the international space station. Lights, storms, atmosphere.  Amazing.

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