History Schmistory: April 18. The Euro is born.

On April 18, 1999, The Euro became the official currency of 11 European countries. Terms like “Eurotrash” and “Euronerd” are now worth more money.

History Schmistory: April 17. Martin Luther Faces Diet of Worms.

1521. Martin Luther went before the Diet of Worms to face charges stemming from his religious writings. Didn’t go so great for Luther. If you faced a Diet of Worms, how well do you think it would go for you?

History Schmistory: April 16. First Woman to Fly Across English Channel.

1912. Harriet Quimby became the first woman to fly across the English Channel. British historians were quoted saying: “Finally, a bird flies south!”

History Schmistory: April 15. Czechoslovakia goes Schizo!

1993. Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two new countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Czech Republic gets the house and Slovakia gets the car.

History Schmistory: April 13. Edict of Nantes.

1598. King Henry IV of France signed the Edict of Nantes, granting rights to the Protestant Huguenots. No truth to the rumor they got their name from enemies saying “You are HUGE–NOT!”

History Schmistory: April 6. After 1500 Years…Boring Sports are Back!

1896. Athens, Greece–The Olympics are back for the first time since 369 AD when Emperor Theodosius abolished the Games as he considered them pagan. Finally, sports so boring that you’re only willing to watch them every four years are back!

History Schmistory: April 5. Harvard weeps.

1649. Elihu Yale, the English philanthropist for whom Yale University is named, was born in Boston. Dave Harvard, in the next crib, is immediately jealous.

Team Marco Polo Presents: History Schmistory

History Schmistory, March 30: Hank wants a new toy!

1533 – Henry VIII divorces his 1st wife, Catherine of Aragon, which leads to the creation of the Anglican church, lots of bloody history over the next hundred years, and several good Shakespeare plays.

History Schmistory, March 29: Beethoven Rolls Over!

1795 – Beethoven (age 24) debuts as pianist in Vienna.

History Schmistory, March 28: Mona Winks!

1794 – The Louvre Museum in Paris opens to the public.
Leonardo Da Viinci's Masterpiece.  Not.

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