History Schmistory, June 22: Hey! That’s My Bay!

1611 – Henry Hudson was set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers on his ship, the Discovery, & was never seen again.

Or was he?


History Schmistory: June 22. The Louis and Marie Show

1791: The fleeing King Louis XVI of France and his wife, Marie Antoinette, are caught at a bridge over the river Varennes and returned to Paris. Not a good place to be-headed…
By Jean Duplessis-Bertaux (1750-1818), d'après un dessin de Jean-Louis Prieur. Reproduction par P. G. Berthault dans les Tableaux historiques de la Révolution française. ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Jean Duplessis-Bertaux (1750-1818), d’après un dessin de Jean-Louis Prieur. Reproduction par P. G. Berthault dans les Tableaux historiques de la Révolution française. ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

History Schmistory: June 21. Gorillas in the Fog.

1876: The first Gorilla arrives on British soil. Sings a few verses of “Rule, Britannia!”



'Happy to be here?' 'Gorilla' by Matthias Appel," CC BY

‘Happy to be here?’
‘Gorilla’ by Matthias Appel,” CC BY

History Schmistory, June 21: Sun, You’re In Trouble!

1633 – Galileo Galilei was forced by Inquisition to “abjure, curse, & detest” his Copernican heliocentric views (the view that the  planets revolve around the sun). I guess some people couldn’t handle the thought of not being in the spot light! However, Galileo can now relax & galiLAY out to enjoy the sun, which we now know, is the real star of the show!

Look who gets to say “I told you so!”

History Schmistory: June 20. Hide the Sausage.

1866 – Italy declares war on Austria. Austro-Prussian War begins. Many skip breakfast.

IMAGE: www.historicalnews.com

History Schmistory, June 20: Holy Toledo!

1212 – French & Spanish crusaders united against the Almohaden at Toledo–the city which now happens to be very famous for its swords. Most of the people that live there now must be pretty sharp!

'Toledo' by MartinPutz , CC BY-SA  3.0https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Toledo_Puerta_Bisagra_1.jpg/1920px-Toledo_Puerta_Bisagra_1.jpg

‘Toledo’ by MartinPutz , CC BY-SA

History Schmistory: June 19. Let’s Conquer These Turkeys!

1097: Europeans capture Antioch. Crusaders enroll at University.

IMAGE: www.armenian-history.com

History Schmistory, June 19: Louis Can Really Deliver!

1464 – French King Louis XI formed The Postal Service aka Poste Royale. And yes, we are talking about the actual delivery system of mail, not the totally awesome alternative/rock band!

History Schmistory: June 18. Nice Treaty!

1538: Treaty of Nice: ends war between Emperor Charles V & King French I. Pillow fight ensues.

IMAGE: www.blogspot.com

History Schmistory: June 18th: Waterloo Sunset!

1815:  The Battle of Waterloo, Belgium. Napoleon and Wellington ‘duke’ it out (see what we did there) and along the way incidentally provide ABBA with the keys to stardom!

The British victory at Waterloo heralded the end of Napoleonic ascendancy in Europe after over ten years as Emperor of The French.

"Creative commons, Napoléon Bonaparte, 1798"  digital watercolor from painting by Édouard Detaille by Now Idonoa /CCBY

“Napoléon Bonaparte, 1798”
digital watercolor from painting by Édouard Detaille by Now Idonoa /CCBY



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