History Schmistory, June 29: A Midsummer Nightmare

1613 – Shakespeare’s Globe Theater burned down. That light through the yonder window breaking? It was a fire. And while all that glistens may not be gold, all that is red and hot is most likely going to burn down a building.


"Globe Theatre, circa 1616" - Detail from van Visscher's original panorama, circa 1616.

“Globe Theatre, circa 1616” – Detail from van Visscher’s original panorama, circa 1616.

History Schmistory, June 24: Dance Dance Revolution!

1374 – A sudden outbreak of St. John’s Dance caused people in the streets of Aachen, Germany, to experience hallucinations and begin to jump and twitch uncontrollably until they collapse from exhaustion.This phenomena, know as “Dancing Mania” spread throughout Europe over the next few decades.

And still continues to effect “victims” all over the world today…



History Schmistory, June 13: Act One For Adriana.

1655 – Adriana Nooseman-van de Bergh became the 1st actress in Amsterdam theater. That diva was never late for dress rehearsal!

You're nailing the happy/sad bipolar thing.


Tech Magic!

An inspiring demonstration of magic, technology and lies that make truth… Just watch it.

GO THERE! Hang with puppets!

The World Puppetry Festival in the French Ardennes starts Friday, September 16th. Go there and bring us some souvenirs!



Culture Buzz: Shadows of their former selves…


These aren’t your mamma’s shadow puppets! Unless your mamma is a Javanese puppet master. The incredibly detailed puppets of Wayang Kulit, the ancient Indonesian brand of shadow theater, continue to enchant audiences to this day, bringing to life the magical stories of Hindu-Javanese folklore on a simple backlit cotton screen. Kulit means skin, and refers to the buffalo leather construction of the puppets that are painstakingly chiseled with very fine tools and supported with carefully shaped buffalo horn handles and control rods.
Got a sheet, a bright light and a buffalo? Then, by all means, TRY THIS AT HOME!
-Maybe use construction paper though 🙂

GO THERE! Scandinavian Subterranean Art!

Warning: If you take a trip to Stockholm, you may never leave the subway. It is, after all, the longest art exhibit in the world

History Schmistory: January 17. Toot-Toot!

1929: Popeye the Sailor Man, a cartoon character created by Elzie Segar, first appears in the Thimble Theatre comic strip. Deluded children begin eating spinach with the hopes of growing freakishly large forearms.


GO THERE! A panoramic view of the past…

Ever wonder what it’s like to live in ancient times? Well, artist Yadegar Asisi’s fantastically intricate panoramic displays are so massive, they might make you feel a little like that guy from Assassin’s Creed. His most recent project, on display at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, takes us back to the ancient city’s heyday, 129 AD.

By asisi GmbH (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

The Foggy London Strut Teaser Trailer!


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