My Brain Hurts!

Ludicrous Latin: Fac me cocleario vomere

Gag me with a spoon!


History Schmistory: June 6. Marcus gets crass!

53 BCE: The Battle of Carrhae; Roman general Marcus Crassus and his army is destroyed by Parthians. Even worse, Parthians make fun of the name “Marcus.”


History Schmistory, June 6: A “Peace” of History

1660 -Denmark & Sweden signed a peace treaty after nearly two years of fighting! C’mon you guys!  We can’t even tell you apart!

Awe how cute! They are BFF's (Best Flag Friends!)

History Schmistory, June 5: Titus fit

70 – Titus & his Roman legions breach the middle wall of Jerusalem.  Some people will do anything to get a famous arch named after them.

The Arch of Titus recounts the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70AD

History Schmistory, June 4: Insert cheesy joke

1070 – Roquefort cheese was created in a cave near Roquefort, France! Insert your own cheesy joke here : )


History Schmistory, June 3: That Turkey is Toast!

1098 – After a 5-month siege in the 1st Crusade, the Crusaders seized A Turkey. And by A, we mean Antioch (the city in the country of Turkey, not the bird!)

Hey guys...I think we've got the wrong Turkey.

History Schmistory: June 2. Kenneth Branaugh & Emma Thompson marry!

1420: Henry V of England and Catherine Valois of France marry. Kenneth and Emma played them in the movie. What?

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