Speech To Gain Passive Agreement Define
Friday, October 8, 2021 in Uncategorized
Emotions are also taken into account by showing the audience that the proposal relates to their needs. However, we realize that emotions are complex and can also be used to create a wall of fog for logic. Emotional appeals that use insurgent language – the name – are often unethical, or at least counterproductive. Some emotions are better suited than others for convincing speeches. Anger and guilt, for example, have an effect, but they can backfire. Positive emotions like pride, sympathy, and satisfaction are generally more productive. The third common statement, which can be seen in convincing speeches, is the affirmation of the Persuasive Directive, which describes the nature of a problem and advocates a solution. – a statement on the nature of a problem and the solution to be implemented. Political affirmations are probably the most common form of convincing speech, because we live in a society surrounded by problems and people who have ideas about how to solve those problems. Let`s look at some examples of possible police claims: each of these claims has a clear perspective that is advocated. Political pretensions will always have a clear and direct opinion about what should happen and what needs to change. When considering political demands, we usually talk about two different objectives of conviction: passive agreement and immediate action. This example shows how to take a basic language topic and use Monroe`s motivated sequence to sketch your speech in an effective and clear and simple way.
In 1957, Leon Festinger proposed another theory to understand how conviction works: the cognitive theory of dissonance. Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson & Company. Cognitive dissonanceAn aversive state of motivation that occurs when a person has two contradictory attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors at the same time. is a state of aversive motivation that occurs when a person simultaneously has two contradictory attitudes, values, beliefs or behaviors. For example, you may know that you should work on your speech, but you really want to go into a movie with a friend. In this case, practicing your speech and going to the film are two incoherent cognitions.
The goal of conviction is to engender such dissonance in listeners that they change their attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors. . . .