Non-Solicitation Clauses In Employment Agreements

Starting a new job can be both exciting and stressful. In many cases, companies require new employees to sign an employment contract. This document contains information on salary, paid free time, work obligations, benefits and more. A treaty may also include a non-competition clause. Essentially, this means that a worker cannot leave the company and work for a competitor. These clauses protect companies from employees taking information, skills, and data from their customers and using it against them while working at another company. Similarly, a no-pocher clause prevents a worker from contacting other workers at the same company or clients of the employer to attract them to a competitor. It is essential that an experienced business lawyer review these contracts in order to protect an employee`s rights. As a general rule, a non-competition clause sets a time and geographical limit, i.e. when an employee resigns, he cannot work for a competing company within a specified period of time after leaving his current company. Similarly, the contract may include a radius of kilometres within which a former worker cannot go and get a job when he or she resigns. A clause preventing a worker from working for a competitor in the United States may be too broad and may be considered unreasonable harshness if it hinders a worker`s employment opportunities.

Prohibitions on debauchery are generally more enforceable in court than prohibitions on competition, as they are not considered trade restrictions (as they are sometimes prohibitions on competition), but as restrictions to which a former employee can turn. However, like competition bans, prohibitions on debauchery can only be imposed if they are reasonable. What is considered appropriate varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and may be best determined by a competent attorney in your respective jurisdiction. Signing any kind of legally binding treaty can be a daunting experience. That`s why it`s important to know what you`re signing before you put your name on the polka dot line. If you have any questions or concerns about an employment contract, it is important to look for a professional lawyer. The law firm Khan Nayyar & Associates is on a mission to help you understand competition bans or debauchery bans. Our diligent Joliet attorneys for employment contract understand Illinois` business laws and the important role they play in your employment opportunities. . . .