Correct Pronunciation Of Agreement
Wednesday, September 15, 2021 in Uncategorized
Lady Silvia uses two distinctive features related to the conservative PC. Listen to how she pronounces the sound between vowels in words like married, inherited, grandparents, corridors, without exception and during. Unlike most consonants in English, the pronunciation of greatly can vary greatly. The most common pronunciation is to create a continuous sound where the tip of the tongue is raised towards the roof of the mouth and the sides of the tongue are curled up and inward. Here, however, Lady Silvia uses an intercepted “r” – a noise generated by the flickering (snapping) of the tip of her tongue against the roof of her mouth – and thus only makes very short and quick contact. In the first sentence, she uses a vocal sound halfway between a sund and a sound. The phonetic symbol is /æ/. Young CP spokespeople typically use a Sound, a rare example of how close the PC language is to the pronunciation of northern England. Many accents in the south-east of England, particularly in London, retain the old Sound, while northern spokespeople have been using a sound for some time. On the other hand, their pronunciation of words in the second sentence – nouns and adjectives that with the suffix – is an example of an older pronunciation, which has been maintained in many Nordic accents, but has changed to RP and most accents in the South and South Midlands of England. Here, older RP speakers and many Northern speakers use a voice sound similar to the sound in bit, while younger RP speakers use a very short version of the Sound in rhythm.
Listen to how Lady Silvia uses a Sound for the media consonant in the nephew, where most of us tend to use a sound. The is the traditional pronunciation of the word for spokespeople of all accents, but today it is rarely heard by the youngest. Also listen to the way she speaks during and dunes in the statements that had to be discussed with her older neighbor for six dishes, and the sand dunes went further and further towards the sea. Like many older spokespeople, she expresses a sound between the initial consonator and vowel of a word like melody or dune – so they resemble “Tyoon” and “Dyoon”. Younger people are more likely to mix consonants and sunds with a bzw. Sound. The word melody could therefore resemble “Choon” and the word dune could be pronounced identically to the word June. Rp is a young accent linguistically. For example, he was not there when Dr. Johnson wrote in 1757 A Dictionary of the English Language. . .