Atisa Agreement
Saturday, September 11, 2021 in Uncategorized
At the same time, the project supports the four CLMV countries to improve institutional efficiency, thereby strengthening institutions involved in the implementation of existing legislation and ASEAN agreements on trade in services and competition (in particular ministries of trade/commerce and competition authorities). In order to ensure effective implementation, relevant ministries and agencies receive technical assistance in developing rules, guidelines, policy reviews and other supporting documents. This includes improving inter-ministerial coordination and public-private dialogues in a more coherent and strategic approach. In order to enable MPI countries to implement investment- and competition-friendly implementation of ASEAN agreements in the areas of trade in services and “competition policy”, the project supports the ASEAN Integration Initiative (IAI). The IAI was established by ASEAN in 2000 to assist the new ASEAN Member States (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) in implementing ASEAN commitments and agreements for further regional integration. The project supports the ASEAN Integration Initiative (IAI). The IAI was established by ASEAN in 2000 to assist the new ASEAN Member States (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) in implementing ASEAN commitments and agreements for further regional integration. The beneficiaries of the project are therefore the approximately 185 million consumers in Cambodia, the Lao Democratic People`s Republic (RDP), Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV), who will benefit from a better choice of cheaper and better quality products and services. In addition, CLMV SMEs, in particular, will have a better chance of exploiting their growth potential if barriers to entry at international and national level are still removed. The ASEAN Agreement on Trade in Services (ATISA) has just been concluded and its signature is expected to be completed soon as the remaining Member State`s internal authorisation for the signing of the Agreement is completed.
In November 2012, ASEAN Economic Ministers (MEAs) signed the ASEAN Agreement on the Free Movement of Natural Persons (NPM) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The engagement plans under the MNP agreement replace the Mode 4 commitments of the old AFAS packages. The NPM agreement will enter into force on 14 June 2016, after being ratified by all SSAs. In accordance with Article 7 of that agreement, preliminary discussions have been initiated with a view to revising and updating the commitment schedules under that agreement. Since the signing of AFAS, officials from ASEAN member states have been working to achieve AFAS` goal of creating freer trade in services in the region. This operation was implemented through rounds of negotiations that resulted in packages of commitments defining the obligations of each ASEAN Member State in different services sectors/subsectors and types of supply. Project title: Promoting competitiveness under the ASEAN Integration Initiative (COMPETE) Contracting entities: Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam Policy Makers: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Total duration: 2018 to 2021 Another ASEAN initiative to facilitate the mobility of people is the ASEAN Qualification Framework (AQRF). . . .