Featured Video: The Wall of Mirrors, Versailles
Friday, June 22, 2012
Here’s an update from MarcoNaut, Siena!
Encounters at a Fancy French Boutique
Saturday, June 16, 2012
The other day, I decided to go shopping in Paris, ignorantly thinking that fancy French boutiques welcome everyone. How wrong I as. THis place was so fancy that its music had only one lyric being sung over an dover and the t-shits were delicately hung up individually. People stood examining the clothes, not even shopping, just staring. This was not clothing, but art. IT was the kind of place where if you have to ask the price of something, you shouldn’t be shopping there. I was unworthy and they made sure to let me know.

The Money Belt
Friday, June 15, 2012
Are you deathly afraid of pick-pockets? Are you afraid to travel for fear that someone will steal your money? Well, it’s time to put your worried mind at ease now that you can get a money belt! Money belts hold your money, passport and other valuables that you desire to keep hidden from those pesky pick-pockets. They’re convenient, portable, and can be used to fit all your fashion needs! Wear the money belt any way you desire!
Under the shirt: To hide it from pick-pockets!
Over the shirt: So pick-pockets won’t want to come near you!
And much much more! Make it your own with money belt!

Welcome to Versailles
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ladies and gentlemen, the place that housed people considered offensively fancy by French people.
Welcome to Versailles
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ladies and gentlemen, the place that housed people considered offensively fancy by French people.
Welcome to Versailles
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ladies and gentlemen, the place that housed people considered offensively fancy by French people.

Welcome to Versailles
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ladies and gentlemen, the place that housed people considered offensively fancy by French people.

MarcoNauts Abroad: The AP European History Tour in France & Germany
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
OK, MarcoNauts! Summer abroad is here! American teens and MarcoNauts Matt and Siena will be taking to the air, rails, and internets to keep you posted on the latest in boring churches, soporific museums, and lifeless palaces now filled with curious, cloying, portly, petulant tourists. Can’t wait! Just look for “sienajeakle” or “mattjeakle” in the byline to see who wrote the post. You’ll notice Siena writing a lot about food and fashion, while Matt is likely to focus on comedy. Both Matt and Siena are high school students preparing for AP European History courses next year, so you can learn along with them.
And let us know about your own travels as we shrink this Big Blue Marble down small enough to marvel at it and have a laugh or two.